Monthly Archives: November 2015

Summer Happenings: An NYAS Talk and a New Publication on Quaternions and Chirality

All my quaternion research diggings and analysis, including music, cognition, and 4D, have led to some nice conclusions, articles, and presentations. This is how I described it on my website:

“Herb has a new publication, written with two collaborators: Quaternions, Chirality, Social Exchange: A Tool for Neuroscience? It appeared in October 2015 as the Feature Article in the Newsletter of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 8-14. See Quaternions, Chirality, and Social Exchange (V20 – official newsletter copy).”

“He also gave a successful 2-hour talk about Quaternions for the New York Academy of Sciences/Lyceum Society in June 2015. See menu for THE PRESENT to access the Powerpoint slides (about 65) for the talk. The title is: The Culture of Quaternions–the Phoenix Bird of Math.” See Quaternions – Phoenix Bird presentation, v23.”

“Herb met one of his publication collaborators, Martin Hay in England, when the New York Academy of Sciences talk was posted on the ResearchGate repository site and Martin noticed it and contacted Herb.”

Martin is very bright and creative. He visited with me for two days during a week’s visit to the U.S. This gave us ample time to discuss a number of topics, including music at an evening get-together with music cognition neuroscientist Marina Korsakova-Kreyn.

The third collaborator for the article is also very bright and creative — Terry Marks-Tarlow in Santa Monica, CA. She is a psychoanalyst and researcher who is friendly to the Jung tradition. And quaternions have captured her attention and imagination. She has related quaternions to general cognition and to fractals and border processes involved in development. We have become a powerful team, in terms of idea development.

My next focus is sociable robotics and the arc back to Ada Lovelace and aesthetics….and the possible role of quaternions.